Thinking About Selling your SaaS Company?

Our experienced M&A advisors will help you uncover the current market value of your SaaS business.

Get a free valuation assessment and planning call to better understand the value of your business and how to position yourself for maximum value in a Strategic acquisition.

Data-Driven, Expertly Analyzed. Our valuations and plans are based on our database of real-world transactions and expert analysis from advisors who know acquisitions.

Not Sure You Want to Sell? Our consultations are designed to help you make your decision, on our own, without any pressure.

SaaS-based businesses expertise. We specialize in SaaS based business, working with strategic SaaS buyers. This is all that we do.

Plan your exitMost business owners contact us well before they are ready to sell. If you are considering an exit within the next 5 years, let us give you a current market valuation.

Our Business Valuation Process:

Step 1: Submit your details

Fill out all of the information required so we can begin reviewing your SaaS business. The more information you provide, the better. Our team may request further details of your business to get started.

Step 2: We analyze your SaaS business

Our team will put your SaaS business through a review process by analyzing and comparing to industry trends, similar strategic exits and growth potential to give you the most accurate valuation of your SaaS business.

Step 3: Get your SaaS valuation

We'll send your free valuation report, with a range of what you can expect from an acquisition and the breakdown of how we came up with this amount. If you feel it's line with your exit plans, we can prepare to have it sold for you with our strategic M&A consulting services.

Copyright Horizen Capital Inc. 2023